Licensee Directory
This directory lists karaoke operators who are active licensees or registrants under our various programs. If you are using this directory to verify the status of one of our licensees, and you don't find the licensee you're looking for, please contact Customer Care.
To locate one of our licensees, enter as specific an address as you want (street address, city/state, ZIP/postal code, etc.) and choose the search radius. NOTE: Our system will not return all licensees in a state.
To search by name, enter at least four characters. This search will locate matching business and contact names.
To search by license number, enter at least four characters. This search will locate licensees with matching numbers.

Business NameLocationLicenses

Click on a row for detailed information about that licensee. Please note that the search radius is approximate and based on city centers. The information presented is believed to be reliable but not guaranteed. Not all listings in this directory are "licensees" in the legal sense, and not all listings have every type of permission available. Please pay close attention to the licenses listed. If you have questions, please contact Customer Care.
That address matched more than one possible location. Please choose the one you meant, or check it at Google Maps, or try again.
LocationGoogle MapsSelect

If you're a licensee and your listing is missing, incorrect, or incomplete, please contact Customer Care to adjust it.
Geocoding services provided by OpenCage Data Ltd. based on data Copyright © OpenStreetMap and used under the Open Database License